[reportlab-users] Spider plot checked in

Dinu Gherman reportlab-users@reportlab.com
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 10:59:30 +0100

[Seems like I need to send this twice... D.]

Andy Robinson:

> This one had exactly what was needed for a customer demo so
> I will happily leave that challenge to others, or to 'next
> time'.  In the meantime I submit that
> (a) spider plots are a deranged sociologists' adaptation of a bar
>     or line plot anyway, carry less information and have many
>     gotchas
> (b) anyone calling it with negative numbers should be shot
> (c) anyone calling it with different length series should
>    be hung, drawn, quartered and then finally shot :-)


I'm glad I haven't responded earlier to this message. And given the
last movie I've seen recently (see below, it's sooo funny!) I better
do not comment on what I assume is just supposed to be funny in the
above statement.

So, while I'm less convinced about sociologists in general deserving
the label "mentally deranged" and might have some reasons for my ori-
ginal statement, I'm chosing not to lay out anything of that here in
the presence of a death penalty threat.

BTW, which US state is hosting reportlab.com? ;-) And maybe I should
have my DNA pre-scanned for the day when my case comes to the Inno-
cence Project, http://www.innocenceproject.org ?


Dinu C. Gherman
What a wonderful world: http://BowlingForColumbine.com/library/wonderful