[reportlab-users] Patch to support tables with oversize cells

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Wed Apr 20 05:04:10 EDT 2022

Hi Lennart,

I did some investigation of the problems I saw in that last example (see attached new version of the script useData==2).

It seems that the real problem is that because of the spanned cell in column 0 row 0 that in _splitRows @ 1565


returns a value of 0 for the first possible split row position.

Then at line 1633 we get

n=0 usedHeights=0 cellvalues=['A\nB\nC\nD', 'BBBBB', 'C', 'D', 'E']
curRowHeight=18 minSplit=15.0 maxSplit=15.0
minSplit + maxSplit > curRowHeight=True
minSplit > (availHeight - usedHeights)=False

I assume that because of the spanned rows we are just using the first (n=0) row to work out the minSplit/maxSplit and 
then the failure follows from the first test.

1) It's not obvious what n should be in the splitInRow row span case.
2) It seems the splitInRow case requires us to consider far more than the height of one row.
Robin Becker
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