[reportlab-users] code128.py

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Mon Jan 25 09:21:01 EST 2016

On 11/01/2016 16:19, Klaas Feenstra wrote:
> Hi Robin,
> Maybe we should first break the list in separate list starting with START_X
> or TO_X and STOP.
> Then check each list, if last 4 position are digits, we do first a backward
> iteration until the first break. So we divide the list in 2 parts, right
> list and left list. After the backward iteration,until first break, we
> continue from the left side (and we remove the right part from the list.)
> If the list is an even number of digits, all string is converted to C in
> the first iteration run.

H Klaas,

I believe I have you ends at stop case covered. See the algorithm below.

1) I believe we only need to check the special case when we break at a non 
start. If we break at a start we have to do the start and we won't see a TO_C if 
we do this algorithm

2) we apply the backward algorithm to i, i-1, ..... startpos+1. Startpos cannot 
be part of the digits. We compute rsavings and then compare with savings.

3) In the comparison the savings ta has to be 1 because l[i] is not STOP and we 
didn't stop at a start that means we test

rsavings > savings+int(savings>=0 and (startpos and nl[-1] in starts))-1

and if this is true we fix up the values of rl, nl, startpos and i so it looks 
like we did the forward algorithm starting at startpos + 1. That means we will 
eliminate the dangling digit. When I run this algorithm I find it applies twice 
on the expanded data set.

Can you test this and see if it works for you?

from string import digits

starts = ['START_B','TO_A','TO_B']
def _trailingDigitsToC(self, l):
	# Optimization: trailing digits -> set C double-digits

	i = 0
	nl = []
	while i < len(l):
		startpos = i
		rl = []
		savings = -1 # the TO_C costs one character
		while i < len(l):
			if l[i] in starts:
				j = i
			elif l[i] == '\xf1':
				i += 1
			elif l[i] in digits \
				and l[i+1] in digits:
				rl.append(l[i] + l[i+1])
				i += 2
				savings += 1
				if l[i] in digits and l[i+1]=='STOP':
					rrl = []
					rsavings = -1	#we need a TO_C
					k = i
					while k>startpos:
						if l[k]=='\xf1':
							k -= 1
						elif l[k] in digits and l[k-1] in digits:
							rsavings += 1
							k -= 2
					if rsavings>savings+int(savings>=0 and (startpos and nl[-1] in starts))-1:
						nl += l[startpos]
						startpos += 1
						rl = rrl
						del rrl
						i += 1
		ta = not (l[i]=='STOP' or j==i)
		xs = savings>=0 and (startpos and nl[-1] in starts)
		if savings+int(xs) > int(ta):
			if xs:
				toc = nl[-1][:-1]+'C'
				del nl[-1]
				toc = 'TO_C'
			nl += [toc]+rl
			if ta:
			nl += l[startpos:i+1]
		i += 1
	return nl

for x,l in enumerate((
		'START_B b b b b 1 2 3 4 5 6 b b b STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 2 3 4 5 b b b STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 2 3 4 b b b STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 2 3 b b b STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 2 b b b STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 b b b STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 2 3 4 5 6 TO_A a a STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 2 3 4 TO_A a a STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 2 3 TO_A a a STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 2 TO_A a a STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 TO_A a a STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 2 3 4 5 6 STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 2 3 4 5 STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 2 3 4 STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 2 3 STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 2 STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 STOP',
		'START_B \xf1 1 2 3 4 b STOP',
		'START_B b TO_A a TO_B \xf1 1 2 3 4 b STOP',
		'START_B b TO_A a TO_B 1 2 STOP',
		'START_B b TO_A a TO_B 1 2 3 b STOP',
		'START_B b TO_A a TO_B 1 2 3 4 b STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 STOP',
		'START_B b b b b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TO_A a a STOP',
	l = l.split()
	lo = _trailingDigitsToC(None, l)
	print '%2d: %s(%d) --> %s(%d)' % (x,' '.join(l),len(l),' '.join(lo),len(lo))
Robin Becker

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