[reportlab-users] new branch with possible paragraph measurement fixes

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Wed Oct 28 13:29:32 EDT 2015

The existing paragraph code has problems doing its width measurements. Consider

<span fontName=\'Courier\'>Hello</span> World.<ondraw name="_onDrawFunc" 

where style sets up Helvetica 10 points as the base font; this ought to measure

stringWidth('Hello','Courier',10)+stringWidth(' World.','Helvetica',10)

ie 61.67; however, in our paragraph implementation it is thought to measure 
64.89 because we have a poor idea of which space to use so we measure a Courier 
10 space instead of Helvetica 10.

I have made a branch called para-measure-fix which attempts to fix this issue 
and I would ask interested parties to try this branch out. It includes an extra 
test in tests/test_platypus_breaking.py which attempts to check this.

You can see the results here



the modified test is here


The branch code also allows some space shrinkage for tight paragraphs using a 
new rl_settings parameter spaceShrinkage (a value of 0.05 will allow spaces to 
be shrunk by 5%).
Robin Becker

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