[reportlab-users] Rotated paragraph/document with ReportLab (vertical text)

Jesus Sanchez-Palencia jesus at eventick.com.br
Mon Nov 5 22:23:22 EST 2012


I can't get this to work as I was expeting it to work... All I want is
to get this snippet:

from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import SimpleDocTemplate
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet
from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_CENTER
from reportlab.platypus.paragraph import Paragraph
class RotatedPara(Paragraph):
def draw(self):

style = getSampleStyleSheet()
normal = style["Normal"]
normal.alignment = TA_CENTER
normal.fontName = "Helvetica"
normal.fontSize = 15

pdf = SimpleDocTemplate("notrotatedpara.pdf", pagesize = (250, 80),

rightMargin=5, leftMargin=5, topMargin=10, bottomMargin=5)
story = []
text = "Yet another random foo long text!"

para = RotatedPara(text, normal)

to work on the very same way it is right now, but with the result
being a rotated pdf. In other words, the end document will be 80 x 250
instead of 250 x 80.

So inside def draw(self) I have tried to self.canv.rotate(90) and then
to translate it as pointed out by Robin Becker, but I can't get the
same behavior. First of all, I don't really get what happens with the
margins from SimpleDocTemplate when we are dealing with the rotated
paragraph. Second, I can't get the translation to work properly. So
far translate(-125, -40) gave me the best results, but this was
somewhat randomly chosen...

Can anyone help me? Are there any other way around this?

Thanks again,

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 7:41 PM, Tim Roberts <timr at probo.com> wrote:

> Jesus Sanchez-Palencia wrote:

>> Is there any documentation about what happens to the coordinates after

>> we canvas.rotate(90) everything?


> This is all part of PostScript, and it's all from a mathematical point

> of view. A standard canvas has its origin at the bottom left, with X

> increasing to the right, and Y increasing as you go up. For a 250 x 80

> document:


> +Y

> (0,80) (250,80)

> +-----------+

> | |

> | canvas |

> | |

> o-----------+ +X

> (0,0) (250,0)


> Positive rotation is counter-clockwise about the origin, so rotating by

> 90 degrees changes things so that Y increases to the left, and X

> increases going up. The origin remains the same, so after this

> rotation, all of the Y coordinates in the canvas will be negative.

> That's why you often use a translation when you do a rotation:


> +X

> (250,0) (250,-80)

> . - - - +-------+

> : | |

> : | |

> : |canvas |

> : | |

> : | |

> : | |

> +Y . - - - o-------+

> (0,0) (0,-80)


> --

> Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com

> Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.


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