[reportlab-users] MediaWiki's "Download as PDF" feature uses ReportLab but has a problem

Yao Ziyuan yaoziyuan at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 06:06:18 EST 2012

Fortunately on the MediaWiki/PediaPress side, we have found a good
workaround: we will automatically insert a tiny space after every CJK
character found in a text.


Because the space is set to the smallest font size possible, it is
virtually invisible, but it can trigger word wrap after a CJK
character when a line is full.

Maybe ReportLab can consider this trick too :-)

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 1:50 AM, Andy Robinson <andy at reportlab.com> wrote:

> I am sorry to be blunt but it's not about "how to do it", it's about

> "who will do it".   ReportLab's own small team get exactly zero

> revenue from the open source code - the same price we charged

> Wikipedia ;-)  - and are extremely busy months ahead with client

> projects, so we will not be working on this unless we get a customer

> project that needs it, or a lot of Asian clients buying RML licenses.

>  So far we have a couple of customers using Japanese output and have

> never had a paying customer using Chinese.


> We are, however, very very happy to support anyone in the community

> who wants to work on better wrapping algorithms.  This is supposed to

> be open source code and I hope some users of CJK might be Python

> programmers and willing to spend some time.  For example if you can

> implement the method you suggested, it sounds like an easy addition we

> would be happy to review and include.


> In the longer term, including third party word-wrap libraries is a

> possibility as long as the license terms allow us to stay "open

> source".


> - Andy

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