[reportlab-users] pyRXP - strange non-deterministic errors on python 2.7 and 64-bit Linux

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Tue May 17 12:30:54 EDT 2011

On 17/05/2011 17:00, Roger Whittaker wrote:

> On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 04:18:56PM +0100, Robin Becker wrote:


>> NO there are no errors when running that withcallback script so I am

>> unable to replicate.


> If possible, please could you try again after putting everything in

> various differently named directories (so that the total length of

> the path varies).


> As I noted before, whether I see the errors or not depends on where

> I am running the script:



> =================================================================================================

> Here, FWIW are the errors when testing in a sequence of directories /tmp/a, /tmp/ab, /tmp/abc, ...

> pyRXP.error: Error: Couldn't open entity b, file:///tmp/ab/second-lger-fifile.xml

> pyRXP.error: Error: Couldn't open entity b, file:///tmp/abc/second-nger-fifile.xml

> pyRXP.error: Error: Couldn't open entity b, file:///tmp/abcd/secondonger-fifile.xml

> pyRXP.error: Error: Couldn't open entity b, file:///tmp/abcde/seconlonger-fifile.xml

> pyRXP.error: Error: Couldn't open entity b, file:///tmp/abcdef/seco-longer-fifile.xml

> pyRXP.error: Error: Couldn't open entity b, file:///tmp/abcdefg/secd-longer-fifile.xml

> pyRXP.error: Error: Couldn't open entity b, file:///tmp/abcdefghijklmnopqr/second-lger-fifile.xml

> pyRXP.error: Error: Couldn't open entity b, file:///tmp/abcdefghijklmnopqrs/second-nger-fifile.xml

> pyRXP.error: Error: Couldn't open entity b, file:///tmp/abcdefghijklmnopqrst/secondonger-fifile.xml

> pyRXP.error: Error: Couldn't open entity b, file:///tmp/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv/seco-longer-fifile.xml

> pyRXP.error: Error: Couldn't open entity b, file:///tmp/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw/secd-longer-fifile.xml

> =================================================================================================


I'm not exactly sure what the above means

I tried this

(bug000)robin at x-kitten001:~/devel/bug000/src$ python test/withcallback.py
(bug000)robin at x-kitten001:~/devel/bug000/src$ cat test/foo.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE test SYSTEM "/home/robin/devel/bug000/src/test/test.dtd"[
<!ENTITY a SYSTEM "/home/robin/devel/bug000/src/test/first-file.xml">
<!ENTITY b SYSTEM "/home/robin/devel/bug000/src/test/second-longer-file.xml">

(bug000)robin at x-kitten001:~/devel/bug000/src$

are you expecting "./test.dtd" to work anywhere? If so I suspect that it may be
the shell that's causing the issue as it seems as though relative path names get
the current working directory added into them. So if I use

the ./test.dtd for I get an error if I run the process from outside the folder
where foo.xml is.
Robin Becker

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