[reportlab-users] rst2pdf 0.13 released

Roberto Alsina ralsina at netmanagers.com.ar
Mon Mar 15 07:09:31 EDT 2010

I've just uploaded the 0.13 version of rst2pdf, a tool to convert reStructured
text to PDF using Reportlab to http://rst2pdf.googlecode.com

rst2pdf supports the full reSt syntax, works as a sphinx extension, and has
many extras like limited support for TeX-less math, SVG images, embedding
fragments from PDF documents, True Type font embedding, and much more.

This is a major version, and has lots of improvements over 0.12.3, including
but not limited to:

* New TOC code (supports dots between title and page number)
* New extension framework
* New preprocessor extension
* New vectorpdf extension
* Support for nested stylesheets
* New headerSeparator/footerSeparator stylesheet options
* Foreground image support (useful for watermarks)
* Support transparency (alpha channel) when specifying colors
* Inkscape extension for much better SVG support
* Ability to show total page count in header/footer
* New RSON format for stylesheets (JSON superset)
* Fixed Issue 267: Support :align: in figures
* Fixed Issue 174 regression (Indented lines in line blocks)
* Fixed Issue 276: Load stylesheets from strings
* Fixed Issue 275: Extra space before lineblocks
* Fixed Issue 262: Full support for Reportlab 2.4
* Fixed Issue 264: Splitting error in some documents
* Fixed Issue 261: Assert error with wordaxe
* Fixed Issue 251: added support for rst2pdf extensions when using sphinx
* Fixed Issue 256: ugly crash when using SVG images without SVG support
* Fixed Issue 257: support aafigure when using sphinx/pdfbuilder
* Initial support for graphviz extension in pdfbuilder
* Fixed Issue 249: Images distorted when specifiying width and height
* Fixed Issue 252: math directive conflicted with sphinx
* Fixed Issue 224: Tables can be left/center/right aligned in the page.
* Fixed Issue 243: Wrong spacing for second paragraphs in bullet lists.
* Big refactoring of the code.
* Support for Python 2.4
* Fully reworked test suite, continuous integration site.
* Optionally use SWFtools for PDF images
* Fixed Issue 231 (Smarter TTF autoembed)
* Fixed Issue 232 (HTML tags in title metadata)
* Fixed Issue 247 (printing stylesheet)

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