[reportlab-users] Can I build a PDF from a template?

David Heath david at davidheath.org
Tue Feb 10 03:30:43 EST 2009


I've been using Reportlab for a little while for generating PDFs for a web
application I'm working on. The library is excellent - very well thought
through and documented .. thanks!

I now have a need to allow a graphic designer to independently create and
amend visual designs for the generated PDFs, and have designated areas of
the design filled with dynamic content.

Do you have any suggestions about how to do this? Is there a way, for
example to import a base 'layer' from a PDF file, and then add additional
elements programmatically? Or is there some other vector format (XML:FO, PS
or EPS?) which could be imported and added to using reportlab. I'm not very
familiar with the export capabilities of current editing programs such as
illustrator (I'm a linux-based programmer :-)), so I'm open minded about
possible solutions.

Looking forward to hearing any thoughts or suggestions you can offer.

Best wishes

David Heath
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