[reportlab-users] More 2.2 questions - package rearrangement

Dirk Holtwick dirk.holtwick at gmail.com
Mon Sep 1 11:50:13 EDT 2008

Andy Robinson schrieb:


I would like to them be called: README.txt, CHANGES.txt, LICENSE.txt etc
because this way most Operating Systems know how to open them.

> - setup.py

> - reportlab/ - the pure python package

> - reportlab/fonts/ - has more fonts added


> - rl_addons/ - contains all C source code

> rl_accel/

> renderPM/

These two directories could also be placed under "src/". In your
setup.py with Setuptools you then just have to add the line:

package_dir = {
'': 'src'

Maybe reportlab/fonts/ and reportlab/tools/ should also move to the top
directory because they are not an essential part of reportlab toolkit.

> - docs/ - code for userguide etc, moved up out of the Python package

> - tests/ - ditto

You might add:

test_suite = "tests",

to setup.py then, so the tests may be executed easily like this:

$ python setup.py test

> Does this change look worthwhile? Would it help anyone or hinder

> anyone, or are people indifferent?

I think this is a good idea to cleanup a bit.


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