[reportlab-users] Why isn't my really wide table splitting?

Bill Freeman bfreeman at appropriatesolutions.com
Mon Nov 24 19:23:04 EST 2008

Matthew Wilson wrote:

> I want my really wide table to wrap, but instead, it just runs off the

> edge of the PDF.


> This is how I'm building it:


> from reportlab.platypus import Table, SimpleDocTemplate

> row = range(1, 101)

> data = [row, row, row]

> doc = SimpleDocTemplate('x.pdf')

> doc.build([Table(data)])


> And when I look at the PDF, it doesn't wrap. Instead, I just see the middle.


> What am I doing wrong?



Last time I looked at the code (maybe 3 months ago) there was no code
for splitting horizontally.
(A nice variable to say what you preferred, but only vertical splitting


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