[reportlab-users] Layout Help

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Tue Feb 26 16:25:28 EST 2008

Rob McCulley wrote:


> Hi all,




> I’m a bit of a reportlab newb. I’ve used it for awhile, but only for

> one specific task, and outside of that, I know very little.




> I need a little help in setting up my document layout. I’ve attached

> a .png file showing essentially what I’m trying to create. One large

> map document (the map will be a .png image), and then a legend and

> title block in the bottom left.




> The map image is the same size as the page, so the I need the lower

> left corner of the map to be covered by the legend and the title

> block. How do I do this? My initial thought was to use tables, but

> the map area of the document is non-rectangular. Here is what I have

> so far:




> if os.path.isfile(outfile):


> os.remove(outfile)


> c1 = Canvas(outfile)


> mapsize = (24*inch,36*inch)


> c1.setPageSize(mapsize)


> mapimage = Image(mappath,width=23*inch,height=34*inch)


> data = [[mapimage]]


> t1 = RLTable(data)


> t1.setStyle(TableStyle([(‘BOX’,(0,0),(-1,-1),1,colors.black),



> (‘ALIGN’,(0,0),(-1,-1),’CENTER’),



> (‘VALIGN’,(0,0),(-1,-1),’MIDDLE’)]))


> p1 = [t1]


> f1 = Frame(0.25*inch,0.25*inch,23.5*inch,35.5*inch,showBoundary=1)


> f1.addFromList(p1,c1)


> c1.showPage()




> I’ve already created two other table elements, one for the legend and

> one for the title block, and then it dawned on me, that I don’t have

> clue how to draw these two tables on top of the map table. Can I do this?


Don't use tables at all. This is not an application where a flowable
helps you. Just place the three components directly at their
appropriate positions. Put the image down first, then lay the legend
and title block over the top of it.

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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