[reportlab-users] Layout Help

Rob McCulley RMcCulley at county24.com
Tue Feb 26 15:01:42 EST 2008

Hi all,

I'm a bit of a reportlab newb. I've used it for awhile, but only for
one specific task, and outside of that, I know very little.

I need a little help in setting up my document layout. I've attached a
.png file showing essentially what I'm trying to create. One large map
document (the map will be a .png image), and then a legend and title
block in the bottom left.

The map image is the same size as the page, so the I need the lower left
corner of the map to be covered by the legend and the title block. How
do I do this? My initial thought was to use tables, but the map area of
the document is non-rectangular. Here is what I have so far:

if os.path.isfile(outfile):


c1 = Canvas(outfile)

mapsize = (24*inch,36*inch)


mapimage = Image(mappath,width=23*inch,height=34*inch)

data = [[mapimage]]

t1 = RLTable(data)




p1 = [t1]

f1 =



I've already created two other table elements, one for the legend and
one for the title block, and then it dawned on me, that I don't have
clue how to draw these two tables on top of the map table. Can I do


Rob McCulley

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