[reportlab-users] installation dir troubles

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Mon Jun 25 18:09:34 EDT 2007

Frederik Himpe wrote:

> I am trying to create a reportlab 2.1 RPM package for Mandriva, but I

> encounter some troubles.


> As python-reportlab is platform-independant, it should be installed in

> /usr/lib/python2.5, even on x86_64 arch, where /usr/lib64/ is used.


> Now when I run python-reportlab, the things which are byte-compiled are

> indeed installed in /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/reportlab. But then

> it says

> Running install_data

> and it installs a bunch of files in /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/

> reportlab, which is not consistent with the first location.


> It think this part in setup.py is responsible for this problem:

> tn = dirname(fn)

> tn = tn and pjoin(package_path,tn) or package_path

> DATA_FILES.setdefault(tn,[]).append(fn)


> AFAIK other python packages just add file names to data_files, without an

> absolute path. Could this be fixed?


I think this is something that John Lee did fairly recently in an
attempt to clean up the setup.py script. The intention is that all the
data files should be installed underneath the reportlab package area ie
fonts/00readme.txt should end up as reportlab/fonts/00readme.txt.
reportlab packages are supposed to end up in site-packages even on
windows since about Python-2.0.

Can you say exactly where reportlab/__init__.py ends up and where
fonts/00readme.txt does. I would expect


If you have a reportlab somewhere else that can certainly cause problems.
Robin Becker

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