[reportlab-users] WYSIWYG with reportlab and pygtk

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Mon Feb 5 19:15:42 EST 2007

Tobias Ceglarek wrote:

> hello,


> my goal is to create a little tool to interactively produce simple

> documents with the principle of "What You See Is What You Get".


> 1. the user interface i have implemented with pygtk:


> there is a textview connected to a textbuffer with a fonttag:


> size:

> myTextView.set_size_request(298,210) # = 10.5*cm,7.4*cm


> font:

> myFontTag.set_property("font","Century Schoolbook L 10")


> 2. i register a type-1 font and use it within a paragraphstyle


> folder = '/usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts/'

> afmFile = folder + 'c059013l.afm'

> pfbFile = folder + 'c059013l.pfb'

> justFace = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face(afmFile, pfbFile)

> faceName = 'CenturySchL-Roma' # pulled from AFM file

> pdfmetrics.registerTypeFace(justFace)

> justFont = pdfmetrics.Font('CenturySchL-Roma', faceName,

> 'WinAnsiEncoding')

> pdfmetrics.registerFont(justFont)


> ...


> docPagesize = (10.5*cm,7.4*cm)


> ...


> style1 = ParagraphStyle(

> "VorderseiteStyle",

> fontName="CenturySchL-Roma",

> fontSize=10,

> #leading=16,

> leftIndent=0,

> rightIndent=0,

> firstLineIndent=0,

> alignment=TA_CENTER,

> spaceBefore=0,

> spaceAfter=0,

> bulletFontName="CenturySchL-Roma",

> bulletFontSize=10,

> bulletIndent=0,

> textColor=black,

> backColor=None

> )


> the effect is the same font (in the user interface and the pdf output).

> but the fonts have not exactly the same size and/or spaces between words

> and/or letters.


> i would be glad if anyone can help me or just give a hint.


> perhaps my attempt is wrong/too complicated - how would you make a

> simple wysiwyg document?


> regards,


> prinz igor


well I suppose we're in the area of what 10 means. Have you measured the
length of a string on the screen and compared what
reportlab.pdfmetrics.stringWidth says about the same string. Type 1
fonts are supposed to be sized in termos of a 1000 point box. I'm not
exactly sure what

myFontTag.set_property("font","Century Schoolbook L 10")

is supposed to do, but I suspect the outcome may depend on 1) whether
the 10 implies points or pixels & 2) what the dpi is for the screen.

The implication is that there should be a constant scale factor bwteen
what reportlab/pdf thinks a string width should be and how your graphics
framework draws it. If the 10 is pixels and not points then a 72 point
widestring will become dpi pixels wide where dpi is probably 96.
Robin Becker

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