[reportlab-users] Using Unicode fonts

Dinu Gherman gherman at darwin.in-berlin.de
Thu Oct 5 10:13:57 EDT 2006

Andy Robinson:

> Have you tried constructing the paragraph with a Unicode string e.g.
>   p = Para(u"My text with non-latin characters", style)
> ?

Sure... I think it has to do with the TTF missing some parts
of the Unicode universe. If you look at page 2 of this:


and compare it to the result of a little hack of mine here
(using the TTF I mentioned previously):


you'll see many missing symbols...

I'm not sure if there is a free font containing *all* symbols.
If anybody knows one, please share it with me! If there is, it
might be an idea to include it into RL 3, errr 2.1, maybe...



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