[reportlab-users] Re: Appending pdf's

Sébastien Kirche sebastien.kirche.no at spam.free.fr.invalid
Thu Aug 11 03:40:20 EDT 2005


At 03:08 on Aug 11 2005, Doug Taylor said :

> Similar question but slightly different . is there any way to combine
> existing pdf's into a single pdf.  

I only know 2 methods that both imply third party tools :

-  with   GhostScript  :  gs  -q   -dNOPAUSE  -dBATCH  -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
  -sOutputFile=result.pdf part1.pdf part2.pdf partN.pdf
  You can also add a -sPAPERSIZE=a4 for example to coerce the different
  parts to a paper size 

- with texexec (from a LaTeX distribution like pTex) you can do that too
  texexec --pdfarrange file1.pdf file2.pdf fileN.pdf
  You can specify the output with --result=output.pdf

Both commands provide a bunch of  options that allow to get only a range
of pages or just the even or odd, etc.

Sorry, it is a bit off-topic regarding reportlab, but I am no aware of a
python and/or reportlab solution.

Sébastien Kirche

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