[reportlab-users] Hyphenation survey (Silbentrennung)

Henning von Bargen reportlab-users@reportlab.com
Sun, 4 Apr 2004 23:31:11 +0200

Hyphenation / Silbentrennung

Hi ReportLab users,

I would like to start a survey on the demand for HYPHENATION
support in the RLTK.

This is addressed in particular to the non-english users of
the toolkit using one of the ISO-8859-* char-sets.

To put things short,
I would like you to answer the following questions:

Q1) How much do your RL applications need hyphenation support,
    in a range 0-5:
   0  never needed hyphenation and probably never will.
   1  Hyphenation is a "nice-to-have", but I can do well without.
   2  Hyphenation would be a welcome feature in my applications.
   3  Hyphenation support would be a great benefit for my
      RL applications and could turn the scale for RL.
   4  The lack of hyphenation support kept me from taking RL into
      consideration for some projects.
   5  Most urgent! The lack of hyphenation support has been a
      show-stopper for RL and forced me to use other tools than RL.

Q2) What languages do you use in your applications (I mean natural
    languages like English, German,..., not programming languages).

Q3) What kind of applications do you use RL for?
   1 Simple Database Reporting (just output tabular data, perhaps with a
     master-detail relationship)
   2 High-quality database reporting - generate output for end-customers,
     like certificates etc. (including company logo, some flow text and
     perhaps some tabular data).
   3 Presentations (i.e. with PythonPoint)
   4 Documentation (i.e. with ReST), mainly flow text,
     perhaps with some images, charts, and tables.
   5 Mainly simple flow text.
   6 High-quality brochures, electronic newspapers etc, using complex
     layout, images, charts, tables, etc.
   7 Generating invoices, labels etc. (writing some data into a pre-defined
     form - typically without using Platypus)
   8 Only charts and graphics (you should have answered 0 to Q1, then)
   9 Not listed here (you can give a short description, if you like)

Q4) What are your requirements on correctness and speed of an automatic
   hyphenation routine?
   1  Wouldn't tolerate any wrong or missing hyphenation, regardless of
      how long it takes -- (dream on, dreamer!)
   2  The quality is most important for me, not the speed of the process,
      even if this means 10 seconds overhead per page on a 2GHz machine.
   3  High quality is important, but it shouldn't take longer than 2s/page.
   4  At most 1s/page overhead is tolerable, but it should still produce
      reasonable quality hyphenations.
   5  Speed is most important, hyphenation shouldn't take longer than
      0.25s/page, even if that means low-quality hyphenation (still better
      than no hyphenation at all).

Some background information

I used the RLTK for a database report and found it wasn't usable without
some patching, because
- in germanic languages like German, Dutch, Swedish(?) and others,
  quite frequently long words with 10 or more letters can occur.
  That's because in these languages, simple words can be combined to
  compound words without dashes or spaces in between.
  Some german examples:
  English                German
  user manual            Benutzerhandbuch ("user-hand-book")
  Prime minister         Premierminister
  vice president         Vizepraesident
  installation manual    Installationsanleitung
  user management        Benutzerverwaltung
  (sorry, I don't know)  Bundesgesundheitsministerium
- when defining the layout for database reports, you often have to find
  a compromise for the width of columns. Most values in a column are quite
  short, but the database fields allow storing longer values, and SOME
  values will be longer (i.e. columns containing a descriptive text).

So, for database reports in germanic languages,
you often have long words in narrow columns.

When I tested my application, I found some words running over the edge
of the column and into the next column, printing over the text there
and thus making it more or less unreadable.
(Please use a fixed with font to read this mail)
| Die         | You can     |
| Installationsanleitung    | I
| und das     | installation|
| Benutzerhandbuchnual      |
| finden Sie  | and the     |
| ...         | user manual |
|             | ...         |
This is really unreadable.

At least I saw the problem before rolling-out the software and I was able
to write a quick'n'dirty work-around: I just wrote as many letters as
possible to the current line, leaving the rest for the next line, like this:
| Die         | You can     |
| Installatio | find the    | II
| nsanleitung | installatio |
| und das     | n manual    |
| Benutzerhan | and the     |
| dbuch       | user manual |
| finden Sie  | ...         |
| ...         |             |
This is still ugly, but at least readable.

Now, with automatic hyphenation support, the text would like this:
| Die Instal- | You can     |
| lationsan-  | find the    | III
| leitung und | installa-   |
| das Benut-  | tion manual |
| zerhandbuch | and the     |
| finden Sie  | user manual |
| ...         | ...         |

For normal flow text, hyphenation support provides a smoother right margin.

In the english column, hyphenation hardly makes a difference,
because long words are rarely used.
In the german column, the average right margin (=space wasted)
is 19/7=2.7 characters wide in the non-hyphenated version (II),
but only 3/6=0.5 characters wide for the hyphenated text (III).

Currently I am working on a hyphenation library for germanic languages.
It defines a common interface and will allow different hyphenation
to be used in the background.

I've also patched the line-breaking algorithm in paragraph.py
to support hyphenation (by calling the library). However, the line-breaking
algorithm is still using a word-by-word approach, it only looks at the first
word that does not fit into the current line any more, finds and rates the
possible hyphenation points and then decices what to do with the word
(squeeze, hyphenate, or put it on the next line), so this is a LOCAL
optimization for the current line.
Other, more sophisticated algorithms (Knuth) perform a GLOBAL optimization
of the whole paragraph - this should result in a very pretty layout (as
from LaTeX).
However, as far as I know about the Knuth algorithm (close to nothing),
it performs hyphenation for the whole paragraph, thus it requires a
very fast hyphenation algorithm.

There is currently only one fast hyphenation algorithm freely available.
That's libhnj (and it's Python wrapper pyHnj). It works based on PATTERNS
(an idea from Knuth, again) and is used by TeX and Open Office.
These patterns are available for a lot of languages.
However, while it works well for English, the free patterns are of poor
quality for some languages - at least this is true for the german patterns.
For example, instead of "Wort-zerlegung" (word decomposition), it returns
"Wortz-erlegung" (killing of Wordz :)

Anyway, any hyphenation library (including the one I'm developing) should
support the pyHnj implementation.

As an alternative algorithm, one can try to decompose compound words
into simple words:
Installationsanleitung -> In-stal-la-ti-ons=an-lei-tung.
The "=" is a main hyphenation point between the two simple words.
Benutzerhandbuch -> Be-nut-zer=hand=buch
This approach requires more knowledge about the language
and a list of word stems, prefixes and suffixes.
For my library, I've developed such an (experimental) algorithm in pure
Since it is very slow, it should be rewritten in C once it is mature.
There are commercial libraries using the same approach as well - at least
german, from http://www.duden.de (called "SX Engine" or so),
and the TU Wien (Technical University of Vienna) has developed a system
"SiSiSi" (but it's not open source).

The goal of this survey is to find out what people need at all
(regarding hyphenation) and if it's worth further spare-time work...

The next steps could be:
- define an interface for the hyphenation library that fits for
  most european languages.
- implement different hyphenation algorithms (PyHnj, etc.)
- define test cases (e.g. documents with known hyphenation)
- implement different line-breaking algorithms and compare them.

The library I've written so far works quite well for me
and could serve as a base for further discussions.

Are you still reading? Wow!
OK, that's it. Apologies for my english...
