[reportlab-users] Can not print generated document on HP Laserjet 4100DTN
Andreas Martin
Sat, 14 Jun 2003 00:25:07 +0200
Hello !
My Name is Andreas Martin and I just started to use the reportlab pdf
generation functionality. I have a problem with printing my document on
a HP Laserjet 4100DTN postscript printer.
These are the first lines of my class I use to print my document:
import reportlab
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4,landscape
from reportlab.lib.units import inch,cm
from reportlab.lib import colors, styles
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.platypus import *
from reportlab.platypus.paragraph import Paragraph
from reportlab.platypus.tables import Table, TableStyle
from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import *
class TravelExpensesPrintout:
"Class for printing a travel expense refund"
def __init__(self, ter, filename):
self.built = 0
self.objects = []
self.report = cStringIO.StringIO()
## Set up the document ----------------------------------
# Get the DocTemplate and set its pagesize
pagesize = A4
self.document = BaseDocTemplate(self.report, pagesize=pagesize)
# Define the content area
content = Frame(2*cm, 2*cm, self.document.pagesize[0] - (4*cm),
self.document.pagesize[1] - (4*cm))
pt = PageTemplate("general", [content], pagesize=pagesize)
# Styles:
self.p = styles.ParagraphStyle(name='p', fontName='Helvetica', \
fontSize=10, leading=12)
self.td = styles.ParagraphStyle(name='p', fontName='Helvetica',
fontSize=10, leading=12)
self.t1c = styles.ParagraphStyle(name='p',
fontName='Helvetica-Bold', \
fontSize=10, leading=12,
self.th = styles.ParagraphStyle(name='p',
fontName='Helvetica-Bold', \
fontSize=10, leading=12,
self.h1 = styles.ParagraphStyle(name='h1',
fontName='Helvetica-Bold', \
fontSize=16, leading=20)
self.h2 = styles.ParagraphStyle(name='h1',
fontName='Helvetica-Bold', \
fontSize=14, leading=20)
self.h3 = styles.ParagraphStyle(name='h1',
fontName='Helvetica-Bold', \
fontSize=12, leading=20)
## Generate the content --------------------------------
# Header
self.logo = flowables.Image(os.path.join(package_home(\
self.heading = Paragraph("Reisekostenabrechnung", self.h1)
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx prints only to this line
table_data = [[self.heading, self.logo]]
table_style = TableStyle([('ALIGN', (-1,0), (-1,0), 'RIGHT'),
('VALIGN', (0,0), (0,0), 'BOTTOM')])
table = Table(table_data, colWidths=[13*cm,4*cm],
self._append(Spacer(0, 25))
# Information on cost center, person, bank, travel purpose
# and travel dates
travel_nr = ter.getTravelNr()
cost_center = Paragraph(ter.getCostCenterDescription()+' ('+\
emp_name = Paragraph(ter.getTraveller(),self.td)
phone_nr = ter.getPhoneNumber()
table_data =
['Name:',emp_name, 'Tel.-Nr.:',phone_nr],
table_style =
table = Table(table_data, colWidths=[3*cm,5.5*cm,2.5*cm,6*cm],
When I print the document on a standard windows gdi laser printer I do
not have any problems. When using the HP postscript printer I only get
the heading printed (till the line self.heading =
Paragraph("Reisekostenabrechnung", self.h1)
Any suggestions ?
Thank you
Andreas Martin