[reportlab-users] Use a flowable on an ordinary canvas?

Robin Becker reportlab-users@reportlab.com
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 18:39:25 +0100

In article <20020812163616.81914.qmail@web12904.mail.yahoo.com>, Andy
Robinson <captainrobbo@yahoo.com> writes
>I am going from memory (using web mail in an internet
>cafe) but you can certainly do this with any flowable
>object.  Call wrap() first to tell the object the
>size, then drawOn:
>  f.wrap(width, height)
>  f.drawOn(canv, x, y)  
>I think that is the order but please check.
I think the doctemplate classes attempt to ensure that the canvas is set
on the object during wrap, but I think that may be what wrapOn is for.
If that's the case then flowables can ask the canvas about fonts etc etc
rather than having to use globally set defaults.
Robin Becker