NACR Daily Meditation for Thursday, Mar 27, 2003
27 Mar 2003 08:00:01 -0000


NACR Daily Meditation for Thursday, Mar 27, 2003


Listen carefully to my words, let this be the consolation you give me.

Job 21:1

Listening should be easy. But it is not. At a minimum, listening means
that we have to be quiet. We cannot listen when we are talking. Not talking
is the hard part. There are many reasons for this. We prefer talking over
listening because it gives us a sense of control. We can control the silences
between words by choosing when to talk. Since silences of even a few seconds
can cause our anxiety to increase, we fill the silence with words even when
we really have nothing to say.

It is a remarkable experience to have someone really listen -- to have
someone's undivided attention and interest. When someone listens, they
communicate to us on a very deep level that we are valuable. Their listening
breaks our isolation and aloneness. And it decreases the fears which come
when our thoughts and feelings are confused. Talking out loud in the presence
of a person who listens carefully allows us to gain clarity and perspective.
Gradually, being listened to can begin to convince us that we are worth
someone's attention and worth being loved.

When someone listens with respect and acceptance we are comforted and
consoled. Our pain is soothed. Our burden is lightened.

Thank you, Lord, for those who listen to me.
And thank you for the people who
trust me enough to allow me to listen to them.
Give me the courage to talk honestly.
Give me the grace to listen well.

Copyright 1991 Dale and Juanita Ryan

ROOTED IN GOD'S LOVE (the book from which these meditations are taken, is back in print! To order call our office at 714-529-6227 ext 111 or order online at
Meditations from previous days can be viewed at:
Plan now to join us at STEPS 2003, a national conference for Christians in recovery jointly sponsored by the NACR and Overcomers Outreach. It will be held June 26-28, 2003 in Southern California. Plenary speakers are Steve Arterburn, David Stoop, Rich Buhler, Sandra Wilson, Mark Laaser and Ann Kiemel Anderson. Over 45 workshops. Support groups. Specialized gatherings. And lots of fellowship and support for your recovery. Details as they become available and online registration will be at:
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