NACR Daily Meditation for Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003
26 Mar 2003 08:00:00 -0000


NACR Daily Meditation for Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003


If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone
at her.

John 8:7

It is easy to judge other people. Judgmentalism and blame come naturally
to us. Other people's faults and failures are not difficult to identify.
 Many of us can remember a time in our lives when throwing the first stone
was not just easy - it was what we thought good Christians were supposed
to do.

One of the most dramatic changes which takes place early in the recovery
process is an increase in self-awareness. We begin to see patterns in our
own lives that need changing. We see our own self destructive tendencies.
 We see how we have brought pain to others. As these insights dawn on us,
we begin to lay down our stones.

Of course, as our self-awareness increases, many of us attempt to refocus
the blame and judgmentalism from others onto ourselves. We can blame and
judge ourselves as ruthlessly as we may once have blamed and judged others.
But it's not really progress in recovery to give up throwing stones. . and
then start banging our heads against a stone wall.

Judgmentalism and blame are not helpful in recovery. What makes recovery
possible is when increased self-awareness leads to an increased capacity
to experience forgiveness. Gradually we learn to accept forgiveness from
God and others. We receive mercy. As a result, we begin to treat ourselves
and others with mercy.

It is increased self-awareness and the humility which self-awareness
makes possible that are the soil in which true community can grow. When
we accept ourselves as humans even though we struggle and sometimes fail,
we can become far more gentle with ourselves and with others.

Lord, you know how quick I have been to throw stones.
Thank you for the self awareness that has allowed me to see more clearly
I am not without sin.
I know that I am in need of forgiveness.
Give me the courage to accept your forgiveness and mercy
and in this way begin to live in true community

Copyright 1991 Dale and Juanita Ryan 

ROOTED IN GOD'S LOVE (the book from which these meditations are taken, is back in print! To order call our office at 714-529-6227 ext 111 or order online at
Meditations from previous days can be viewed at:
Plan now to join us at STEPS 2003, a national conference for Christians in recovery jointly sponsored by the NACR and Overcomers Outreach. It will be held June 26-28, 2003 in Southern California. Plenary speakers are Steve Arterburn, David Stoop, Rich Buhler, Sandra Wilson, Mark Laaser and Ann Kiemel Anderson. Over 45 workshops. Support groups. Specialized gatherings. And lots of fellowship and support for your recovery. Details as they become available and online registration will be at:
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