[DogParkList] Old QSL's

Jay Simmons jaysimmons at chasingrainbows.com
Tue Mar 17 13:39:52 EDT 2009

Before I ask my newbie question, let me first say how impressed I am
with the huge effort and scope of MacLoggerDX...I have a IMAC with dual
processors running Windows XP for my Solidworks 3D Modeling program on
one side and all my Mac software on the other...I am delighted to have
any Mac based Ham Radio software. You can count on my long term
support. There is way too much bashing from critics who probably could
not write a single line of code...what we need is fair evaluation and
positive attitudes so things will improve.

Now my question...I have downloaded the latest upgrade, however, I still
can not figure out how to list my old QSL's so the program knows that I
have already worked them. A hit or two would be helpful...Best
Regards...Jay Simmons K6RIY

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