[DogParkList] MacLoggerDX V 5 for Cocoa AppleScriptiing

Don Agro dagro at dogparksoftware.com
Tue Feb 24 10:24:54 EST 2009

In version 5.02 Beta 6 the AppleScript "log" and "lookup" commands
have been separated to allow lookups via Applescript from CocoaModem
and then logging with comments subsequently.

This will also allow default settings of start and end times to be
more accurate but may require existing scripts to be modified.

-- MacLoggerDX Scripting commands

tell application "MacLoggerDX"

-- General

get version
count every qso
exists qso "W1AW"
get call of qso 1
get first_name of qso 1
get last_name of qso 1
call of every qso whose call starts with "W7"

-- PTT : uses method chosen in Radio Prefs Keyer Popup

setPTT "ON"
delay 1
setPTT "OFF"

-- Lookup

lookup "W1AW"

-- Logging

setModeMapping "USB PSK31"
setVFOandMode "14.070 USB"
setVFOLoggingOffset "0.00001"

end tell

73 Don Agro VE3VRW

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