[Scons-dev] SCons cross-language support

Kenny, Jason L jason.l.kenny at intel.com
Tue Jun 2 09:40:10 EDT 2015

If I understand this correctly. I have a similar issue in Parts. I found that it was that the scanner did not expand the path correctly via not calling subst() before it tried to access the variable. This caused failures in correctly finding libs and or header on first pass builds. It would also call possible rebuild on second pass or in some cases a false rebuild as SCons thought the path changed.

However I might have missed something in terms of this patch as I did not know the install builder called a scanner. ( you did mean the install.py tool.. or was this something else?) the install tools as I understand does not have a scanner mapped to it.


From: Scons-dev [mailto:scons-dev-bounces at scons.org] On Behalf Of William Blevins
Sent: Monday, June 1, 2015 7:28 PM
To: SCons developer list
Subject: [Scons-dev] SCons cross-language support


Last week I submitted a patch for cross-language scanning which still needs a decision made with regards to functionality going forward.  This patch is relatively light-weight and gives a lot of potential to the SCons build toolchain, so I would like to wrap it up for prior to SCons 2.5.0.

Let me know if my comments aren't coherent.



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