[reportlab-users] Vertical table alignment change in ReportLab 3.5.44
Robin Becker
robin at reportlab.com
Thu Dec 12 11:39:09 EST 2024
Hi Marius,
I think I found the problem cause using this code
if __name__=='__main__':
import os
from reportlab import Version as rlVersion
from subprocess import check_output
hgidnum = check_output(["hg", "id", "--num"]).decode('ascii').strip()
from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas
from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle
from reportlab.platypus.paragraph import Paragraph
from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_CENTER, TA_JUSTIFY, TA_LEFT
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth
sty = ParagraphStyle('normal',firstLineIndent=0,spaceBefore=6,fontSize=10,alignment=TA_LEFT)
txt = os.environ.get('A','A')
p = Paragraph(f'<font color="0xff0000">{txt}</font>', sty)
slen = stringWidth(txt,sty.fontName,sty.fontSize)
aW = float(os.environ.get('aW','4'))
aH = 71994
canv = Canvas('dummy.pdf')
w, h = p.wrapOn(canv, aW, aH)
print(f'reportlab.Version={rlVersion} hg id --num={hgidnum} len({txt=})={slen} p.wrapOn(canv,{aW=},{aH=}) --> {w=} {h=}')
It seems that your first column width was too small. In rev >= 4587 I see these results
> $ aW=6.67 python devel/tparah.py
> reportlab.Version=3.5.43 hg id --num=4587 len(txt='A')=6.67 p.wrapOn(canv,aW=6.67,aH=71994) --> w=6.67 h=12
if we reduce the available width then the paragraph wants to wrap to the next line and gives a height that is too large
> $ aW=6.66 python devel/tparah.py
> reportlab.Version=3.5.43 hg id --num=4587 len(txt='A')=6.67 p.wrapOn(canv,aW=6.66,aH=71994) --> w=6.66 h=24
we cannot split the single 'A' so it seems we have an issue with the reported height and the actual drawing.
Probably the Paragraph height computation needs looking at at least for this specific case where it seems the wrap
height differs from the drawn height.
Robin Becker
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