[reportlab-users] Problem creating a custom Drawing Flowable to use with RML

Ray Côté ray+rl at appropriatesolutions.com
Tue Jun 20 09:22:22 EDT 2023

I'm trying to create an SVG Flowable to use as a plugInFlowable with RML.
I've looked at several online examples and they all show how to add the
Diagram when generating the report directly with Python code.

My RML template contains the following:
        <plugInFlowable module="path.to.charts"

When I try to draw the Flowable using the following class I get an error
that the Drawing does not contain a canv. There's a self.canv object that
has various draw commands (drawImage, drawString, etc.) but none of them
draw a Drawing object.

I appreciate any guidance as to what the draw function should be doing.

class SvgFlowable(Flowable):
    """Convert stream containing SVG instructions to a Reportlab

    def __init__(self, svg: BytesIO) -> None:
        """Convert SVG to RML drawing on initialization."""
        self.drawing: Drawing = svg2rlg(svg) # Convert SVG to Drawing
        self.width: int = self.drawing.minWidth()
        self.height: int = self.drawing.height
        self.drawing._showBoundary = True

    def wrap(self, *args):
        return (self.width, self.height)

    def draw(self) -> "Drawing":
        """Draw the chart."""
       self.drawing.draw().  # Error

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