[reportlab-users] Possible bug?

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Wed Mar 16 09:04:36 EDT 2022

On 15/03/2022 13:28, Les wrote:
>    Hello,
> I have found an error, and I created a minimal working example. The minimal
> working example starts with the very first example from Platypus user guide:

Hi Les,

glad you found the list. I don't believe this is a real bug. The DocTemplate class which handles the story processing 
etc etc consumes the story which as it's a list means that the list becomes empty.

1) We need to be able to manipulate the list to support many processes with the story layout eg we might need to split 
an element that cannot fit and the split elements are pushed back onto the list.

2) there is no guarantee that any specific flowable is immutable; to support repeated processing we make a shallow copy 
and that works for many cases, but it's not guaranteed if the flowables are perverse. Shallow and deep copies may allow 
duplicated usage, but obviously they consume resources.
Robin Becker

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