[reportlab-users] Possible bug when using Table and repeating rows other than the zeroth

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Tue Oct 29 04:40:17 EDT 2019

On 24/10/2019 20:24, David VanEe wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use the repeatRow argument for tables, but repeating rows other than the 0th row using a tuple of row indices.

Hi David,

your example is to complex for any kind of discussion; I don't have pandas or numpy installed in my test environments. 
Also use of random numbers will likely make every run different and complicates the issue.

I created a simple example to try and figure out what's going on. I just replace the data and then used the split 
command to make two copies of the table to see what's going on I used your table style.

I think from the colours and values that appear we can say the following

1) the values appear to be split correctly ie the second row values are repeated on page 1 and the first row values are 
repeated on page 2.

2) The colours seem wrong in both cases.

I'm not sure exactly what is supposed tyo happen when we repeat second row. Should it have the original second row style 
or should it use the first row style in the second part of a split. When we repeat leading rows it seems more obvious 
that we should be using exactly the same styles in part0 and part1 of a split. That doesn't seem to be happening so is 
probably a bug.

> For example, the following code should repeat the 'E F G H' row on each page, including the light blue background color. The contents of the table are repeated as expected, but the formatting is that of the 0th row (not the 1st). I've taken a look at the Reportlab code (platypus\tables.py line 1375) and it looks like it should be working, so I'm not sure what's going on.
> If anyone has any suggestions that'd be great.
> Thanks,
> Dave

import os
from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter, landscape
from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Table, SimpleDocTemplate, PageBreak
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle

styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet()
bodyText = styleSheet['BodyText']

reportoutputfilepath = os.path.join('trepeatrows.pdf')

pdf_file = SimpleDocTemplate(
ts_tables = [
		 ('ALIGN', (4,0), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT'),
		 ('LINEBELOW', (0,0), (-1,0), 1, colors.purple),
		 ('FONT', (0,0), (-1,0), 'Times-Bold'),
		 ('LINEABOVE', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 1, colors.purple),
		 ('FONT', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 'Times-Bold'),
		 ('FONTSIZE', (0,0),(-1,-1), 8),

data = [
	['001', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05'],
	['002', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05'],
	['003', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05'],
	['004', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05'],
	['005', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05'],
	['006', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05'],
	['007', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05'],
	['008', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05'],
	['009', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05'],
	['010', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05'],

story = []
aStory = story.append

aStory(Paragraph('The whole table',bodyText))
t = Table(data, style=ts_tables, repeatRows=(1,))
t = Table(data, style=ts_tables, repeatRows=(1,))
T = t.split(4*72,60)
aStory(Paragraph('The split table part 0',bodyText))
aStory(Paragraph('The split table part 1',bodyText))

# do the same again with repeatRows=1
aStory(Paragraph('The whole table repeatRows=1',bodyText))
t = Table(data, style=ts_tables, repeatRows=1)
t = Table(data, style=ts_tables, repeatRows=1)
T = t.split(4*72,60)
aStory(Paragraph('The split table (repeatRows=1) part 0',bodyText))
aStory(Paragraph('The split table (repeatRows=1) part 1',bodyText))

# Build the PDF
print reportoutputfilepath

> Code follows:
> import os
> import pandas as pd
> import numpy as np
> pdf_file.build(elements)
> print reportoutputfilepath

Robin Becker
-------------- next part --------------
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