[reportlab-users] Help with wordwrap in Table

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Tue Dec 18 05:11:24 EST 2018


your example has some very long nonsense words, but latest reportlab can do some hyphenation and url wrapping in paragraph 
instances as Arnau has already mentioned. For proper hyphenation support you need to install pyphen and select the correct options 
in your style or settings override.

splitLongWords=True     #controls arbitrary splitting of long words

spaceShrinkage=0.05	#allowable space shrinkage to make lines fit
hyphenationLang=''      #if pyphen installed set this to the language of your choice
			#eg 'en_GB'

uriWasteReduce=0.3      #split URI if we would waste 0.3 of a line or if the URI#
			#would not fit on the next line; if zero then no splitting
			#is attempted. suggested value = 0.3
embeddedHyphenation=0	#if true attempt hyphenation of words with embedded hyphens
hyphenationMinWordLength=5 #minimum length of words that can be hyphenated

Robin Becker

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