[reportlab-users] Changing fonts for a SimpleDocTemplate

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Mon Nov 22 05:36:21 EST 2010

On 20/11/2010 06:43, Thejaswi Puthraya wrote:

> Hi,



> pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('EurostileExtended',

> "/path/to/fonts/EurostileExtended-Roman-DTC.TTF")))

> doct = doctemplate.SimpleDocTemplate("/path/to/output.pdf",

> pagesize=landscape(A4))

> style_sheet = getSampleStyleSheet()

> style_sheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name='TestStyle',


> fontName='EurostileExtended',

> fontSize=12,

> leading=12)

> data = []

> data.append((Paragraph(some_content, style=style_sheet["Title"]),

> Paragraph(story_content,

> style=style_sheet["TestStyle"])))

> style = GRID_STYLE

> style.add(*('VALIGN', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'MIDDLE'))

> style.add(*('LEFTPADDING', (0,0), (-1,-1), 15))

> style.add(*('RIGHTPADDING', (0,0), (-1,-1), 15))

> table = LongTable(data, colWidths=360, rowHeights=215, style=style)

> page_flowables = [table]

> doct.build(page_flowables)

> canvas = doct.canv

> canvas.setTitle("Some title")

> canvas.showPage()

> canvas.save()


> On running this piece of code, I get the following error:


> redefining named object: 'toUnicodeCMap:AAAAAA+EurostileExtended-Roman-DTC'


> I am not sure I understand this error and how I am redefining this object

> when I am calling registerFont only once.


> PS: The addFont method not working has still not been answered ;-)



I'm getting this error too and I'm not sure I understand it either. However, I
could not use the above so I had to make my own example and use that. Still we
should be able to explain this problem after some more analysis. I see the same
font being added more than once which has to be a problem.
Robin Becker

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