[reportlab-users] Code 11 barcode bug

Sergiu Iordache solidsnakero at gmail.com
Sun Feb 28 17:18:15 EST 2010


After trying to use the Code 11 barcode drawing function I am pretty
sure that it is bugged. It doesn't seem to generate the correct
barcode, but I haven't found the bug origin or solution yet. If I do,
I'll post the solution here.

Here[1] is the example code to generate a Code 11 barcode for the
number 1 . It generates this barcode[2].
The result is not correct, as the last character does not correspond
to the first one and does not have enough characters. Here is the same
number generated using an online generator [3]

If anyone figures out the solution please post it here. The bug is
most probably located here[4].

Thanks a lot,

[1] http://pastebin.com/EE845Fpw
[2] http://lh3.ggpht.com/_6xBdDMtMEyk/S4rp0kCCHjI/AAAAAAAAABU/-ulIAu4-f6I/s800/barcode.jpg
[3] http://www.barcodesoft.com/barcodesoft.ashx?s=Code11&barheight=48&barwidth=3
[4] http://www.reportlab.com/apis/reportlab/reportlab.graphics.barcode.common-pysrc.html#Code11

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