[reportlab-users] Finding if a flowable is at the top of a page.

Andy Robinson andy at reportlab.com
Mon Apr 19 17:01:03 EDT 2010

On 19 April 2010 21:57, Roberto Alsina <ralsina at netmanagers.com.ar> wrote:

> I must confess I just spent the last 4 hours reading

> BaseDocTemplate.handle_flowable and my eyeballs are bleeding :-(

Yes, every time someone found another real-world case we had to
handle, it got more complex, for ten years. If we had no tables, no
PageBreaks, no KeepWithNext etc it would be pretty clean.

Since you've got so far we'll definitely try to help out. Robin's
eyes are bleeding from something else at the moment but hopefully he
can help out tomorrow. Which do you want first, this or the
Case-Study-submission-system fix ;-) ?


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