[reportlab-users] RTL Patch Committed

Yoann Roman yroman-reportlab at altalang.com
Thu Nov 19 14:53:07 EST 2009

Muayyad AlSadi wrote...

> no need for icu, my mu.py works


> I've add mu.py in reportlab/pdfgen/ and after importing pyfribidi I

> put from mu import shape as muShape


> then replaced

> text = log2vis(text, directions.get(self.direction, DIR_ON))


> with

> text = log2vis(muShape(text), directions.get(self.direction, DIR_ON))

What does your mu.py do differently than Fribidi's Arabic shaping? It
still seems to be font-independent, so I assume you're doing Unicode
character substitution. If that's the case, since the RTL support
requires Fribidi, why not use Fribidi's shaping as well?

Yoann Roman

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