[reportlab-users] Reducing use of 7-bit characters

Andy Robinson andy at reportlab.com
Tue May 5 09:33:01 EDT 2009

2009/5/5 Robin Becker <robin at reportlab.com>:

> %PDF-1.3

> %“Œ‹ž ReportLab Generated PDF document http://www.reportlab.com


> according to Andy that's some bit of shift-jis or something. I guess the

> ratio here is pretty small.

It's the characters for 'Tokyo' in shift-jis. The rationale was a
statement in the PDF spec that you ought to have some non-ascii early
in the document to tell 'various communications channels' not to
corrupt it; coupled with the using well-known Kanji so that I could
tell if it had been converted to another encoding.

These are just comments, so I go with Robin's suggestion: if a
slightly longer 8-bit comment at the top fixes it, that's a low-risk
change we can adopt easily.

- Andy

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