[reportlab-users] Table not drawn

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Tue Jun 9 05:52:24 EDT 2009

Simone Dalmasso wrote:

> Hi list, I'm trying to draw a table on a document. This is part of my code:

> * canv = canvas.Canvas(response,pagesize = A4)*

> * data = [['Hello'],['World']]

> t = Table(data,10 * cm,5 * cm)

> w,h = t.wrap(10 * cm,5 * cm)

> t.drawOn(canv,A4[0],A4[1])

> canv.showPage()

> canv.save()*

> The document is created but unfortunately it's empty. Using a simple string

> instead of a table it works.

> Have you any advices?


> Thanks a lot.

> Simone


Tables are supposed to be drawn in a flowable environment so they're drawn top
leftish if you get what I mean. I suspect you need to change to


Robin Becker

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