[reportlab-users] Trying to implement "See page X"

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Thu Jun 4 05:15:07 EDT 2009

Roberto Alsina wrote:

> And it's almost there, but I am doing something wrong :-)


> Here's my approach: In some cases, instead of a regular paragraph, create a

> DelayedParagraph wrapper around Paragraph, which is an IndexingFlowable and

> gets notified of bookmarks.


> Then, in DelayedParagraph.notify, "fix" the text by replacing references to

> bookmarks with the corresponding page numbers.


> Example:


> 'Go see A title (Page %(a-title)s)'%{'a-title': 2}


> And it works like a charm... unless the bookmark is *after* the

> DelayedParagraph, in which case it just gets drawn before the text is "fixed".


> I though that by returning False to isSatisfied(), the delayedParagraph would

> not get drawn, then force another build pass, fix the references, then draw

> it, but I am obviously mistaking.


> I can't use onDraw like the table of contents does because I need to put the

> page number in the paragraph textflow, and that means I can't just "save the

> space" for it.


> Sadly since this is in rst2pdf extracting a small example is not trivial, I

> hope my description is useful...


> Here is my DelayedParagraph class:


> http://pastebin.com/f60b5f7e9


In general there's no obvious way to do both forward and backward links single pass

However, it should be possible to do this with multi-pass without any delay at
all. What's required is that the variables that are being referenced in the draw
method have stabilized. Are you using multibuild?

Robin Becker

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