[reportlab-users] Splitting a nested table over multiple pages

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Wed Jul 22 12:12:17 EDT 2009

Mike Driscoll wrote:

> Hi,


> I am working on a program that accepts large datasets and transforms

> them into nested tables that need to be split across multiple pages in

> ReportLab. Here's the basic setup:


> 1) My top level table has four columns and an unknown number of rows

> 2) In each column is a nested table

> 3) The nested table has 3 column and an unknown number of rows


> When I try to feed my table the data, I end up getting the following

> traceback:


> IndexError: list index out of range

> File "V:\PythonPackages\Development\pyRetention\pyRetention\pyreGUI.py",

> line 143, in <module>

> app.MainLoop()

> File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\_core.py",

> line 7967, in MainLoop

> wx.PyApp.MainLoop(self)

> File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\_core.py",

> line 7292, in MainLoop

> return _core_.PyApp_MainLoop(*args, **kwargs)

> File "V:\PythonPackages\Development\pyRetention\pyRetention\pyreGUI.py",

> line 113, in onRun

> pdfGenerator.createPDF(userData)

> File

> "V:\PythonPackages\Development\pyRetention\pyRetention\pdfGenerator.py",

> line 87, in createPDF

> doc.build(story, onFirstPage=onPageHeader)

> File "c:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\reportlab\platypus\doctemplate.py",

> line 1010, in build

> BaseDocTemplate.build(self,flowables, canvasmaker=canvasmaker)

> File "c:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\reportlab\platypus\doctemplate.py",

> line 777, in build

> self.handle_flowable(flowables)

> File "c:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\reportlab\platypus\doctemplate.py",

> line 665, in handle_flowable

> if frame.add(f, canv, trySplit=self.allowSplitting):

> File "c:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\reportlab\platypus\frames.py", line

> 159, in _add

> w, h = flowable.wrap(aW, h)

> File "c:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\reportlab\platypus\tables.py", line

> 1092, in wrap

> self._calc(availWidth, availHeight)

> File "c:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\reportlab\platypus\tables.py", line

> 571, in _calc

> W = self._calcPreliminaryWidths(availWidth) #widths

> File "c:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\reportlab\platypus\tables.py", line

> 665, in _calcPreliminaryWidths

> value = self._cellvalues[rowNo][colNo]


> My outer table is set up like this:


> mainTbl = Table(data, splitByRow=1)


> And here's some example data that goes into it:


> data = [[tblOne, tblTwo, tblThree, tblFour], [ddTblOne, ddTblTwo,

> ddTblThree, ddTblFour]]

not sure what's going on here, but you should be aware that the inner tables
will never be split as we always split on row boundaries. From the error it
looks like one of the tables has something wrong with it.

Why not try just outputting the inner tables one by one; if there's an issue
there then the traceback might indicate which table is wrong. Could one of the
inner tables actually be 0 x 0?

Robin Becker

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