[reportlab-users] Inline images not working..

Brower Jason Jason.Brower at kone.com
Mon Jul 13 02:19:15 EDT 2009

Starting out with this Reportlab and it's pretty fun so far...

In testing it's capabilities I noticed an issue.

I am trying to insert an inline image and it's not working. The first

But the other image, <img src="../bullet.png"/>, does not.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong here?



from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas

from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet

from reportlab.lib.units import cm

from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Frame

from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import landscape, A4

pdf = Canvas("phello.pdf", landscape(pagesize = A4))

styles = getSampleStyleSheet()

styleN = styles['Normal']

styleH = styles['Heading1']

story = []

#add some flowables

story.append(Paragraph("This is Frame 1",styleH))

story.append(Paragraph("This is a in <i>Normal</i> style. This is a
paragraph in <i>Normal</i> style. ", styleN))

story.append(Paragraph("And look! Another in <b>bold</b> style.",

pdf.drawImage("template.png", cm*1, cm*1, width=28*cm, height=19*cm)

f = Frame(cm*6.5, cm*1, cm*7, cm*7, showBoundary=1)


story.append(Paragraph("This is a Heading",styleH))

story.append(Paragraph('<img src="../bullet.png"/> --<u>image</u>
Another in <b>bold</b> style.<br/>', styleN))

story.append(Paragraph("And look! Another in <b>bold</b> style.",

story.append(Paragraph("And look! Another in <b>bold</b> style.",

story.append(Paragraph("And look! Another in <b>bold</b> style.",

f2 = Frame(cm, cm*10, 6*cm, 9*cm, showBoundary=1)




Any ideas? I have tried absolute path and relative and both so no
changes. It sows not space for it. Do I need to declare width and

Best Regards,

Jason Brower

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