[reportlab-users] Allow commenting on a pdf

Andy Robinson andy at reportlab.com
Sat Dec 5 03:42:42 EST 2009


> Darnit, I really wish I would have known about this obstacle that

> Adobe has imposed prior to all the development time I spent... oh

> well.

I had a look at the PDF specification (1.7), and they were and still
are using 'annotation' for what we currently allow....

12.5 Annotations
12.5.1 General
An annotation associates an object such as a note, sound, or movie
with a location on a page of a PDF
document, or provides a way to interact with the user by means of the
mouse and keyboard. PDF includes a
wide variety of standard annotation types, described in detail in
12.5.6, “Annotation Types.”

...so I'd prefer not to change the terminology. I believe what you
are doing is creating new annotations in the PDF file, which is it

I cannot find a 'Commenting' property in the PDF spec, but since we
added our original options, they have invented a whole maze of obscure
corners of the spec for controlling 'usage rights', and added some
more bits to the bitmask controlling permissions.

How exactly are you creating a PDF out of Adobe's tools so that
Commenting is set? I'd like to reproduce this in the office (we have
Acrobat Pro) and look in the resulting PDF file to see what's
different, but I cannot do this until Monday.

- Andy

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