[reportlab-users] Getting Nested table aligned to top

Mike Driscoll mdriscoll at co.marshall.ia.us
Mon Aug 3 14:53:54 EDT 2009

Hi Robin,

> Mike Driscoll wrote:

>> Hi,


>> It looks like my post got eaten due to my screenshot, so I have

>> uploaded it to flickr:

>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/25220999@N03/3773123700/


>> I am trying to get a set of nested tables to align at the top. There

>> are 6 rows in the screenshot. The first row is 3 "Earnings", the 2nd

>> is the four row table, the 3rd is three "Deductions", the 4th is the

>> 5 row table, etc. Notice that the bottom row has the first two

>> columns lower the the last one. Is there a way to force that row to

>> be aligned at the top? Right now, I use the following code:


>> tblThree = Table(data3, colWidths=colWidths, style=LIST_STYLE,

>> hAlign="LEFT", vAlign="TOP")


>> This does not work. Does anyone have a better idea? I am using Python

>> 2.5 on Windows XP with the latest ReportLab.


>> Thanks,


>> Mike


> This single row example shows nested tables aligned right, top.


> ###############################################################

> from reportlab.lib import colors

> from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import SimpleDocTemplate

> def getTable(x=0):

> data=[('','Europe','Asia'),

> ('Quarter 1',100,200),

> ('Quarter 2',100,400),

> ]

> W=[62,26,26]

> H=[24,16,16,18]

> if x:

> data[3:3] = [('Quarter 3',103,404),('Quarter 4',104,396)]

> H[3:3] = [16,16]

> LR = ['Total',300,600]

> for j in xrange(1,len(LR)):

> LR[j] = sum([data[i][j] for i in xrange(1,len(data))])

> data.append(LR)

> return Table(data,W,H,style=TableStyle([('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1),

> 0.25, colors.black),('FONTSIZE',(0,0),(-1,-1),8)]))


> T=Table([[getTable(0),getTable(0),getTable(1)]],

> style=TableStyle([

> ('ALIGN', (0,0), (-1,0), 'RIGHT'),

> ('VALIGN', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'TOP'),

> ('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.red),

> ]),

> )

> SimpleDocTemplate('tnestt.pdf', showBoundary=1).build([T])

> ###############################################################

That worked quite well. I don't know why setting "valign" didn't, but
I'm glad this worked. Thanks for the example. I had to tweak it a little
as three rows were aligning themselves to the left and one to the right,
but it's much closer to what it should be.

Thanks again,


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