[reportlab-users] pdfgen and Charts

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Fri Apr 17 10:16:57 EDT 2009

Peter Mott wrote:

> I'm using the basic pdfgen package for my project. I'd like - though it

> is not vital - to create a chart and add it to my canvas. I can add a

> path p I have created by canvas.drawPath(p) and a textobject t by

> canvas.drawText(t). I can create a rectangle r from the graphics package

> - but cannot find out how to add it to the canvas. Can this be done?


> Seems a silly question - but I am new to ReportLab and Googlinf all over

> has not helped!


> Thanks,


> Peter


The canvas already has rectangle/circle etc etc as primitives.

The relationship of the graphics classes to the standard canvas is a bit strange.

Graphics Drawings are made up of primitive shapes as defined in the shapes.py
module. A drawing is also a flowable so it can be included fairly directly into
a platypus story.

There are chart classes already which can be made into drawings fairly easily.
If you find a chart that you like; add to a drawing and you have something that
fits easily into a story. It's a bit harder to make flowables draw themselves
onto a canvas, but usually you need to use the wrapOn and drawOn methods to do
that using code like this...

w,h = f.wrapOn(canv,availWidth,availHeight)

If you just wish to draw a simple line chart etc etc then the canvas primitives
should allow you to do it.
Robin Becker

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