[reportlab-users] frame in pageTemplate

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Mon Sep 22 06:54:36 EDT 2008

Arkadi Colson wrote:

> Hi all,



> Somebody any idea why I only get one frame on the document instead of 3?

> Here is my code:



> Elements.append(Paragraph("Frame one column",

> styles['Normal']))

> Elements.append(PageBreak())

> Elements.append(Paragraph("Frame two columns",

> styles['Normal']))

I think the problem is the confusion of FrameBreak with PageBreak. At the
beginning of the world someone created the PageBreak when it actually meant
frame break. The PageBreak originally just consumed all available space so it
was actually like a FrameBreak.

However, by mistake someone else (probably me) fixed this situation so that
PageBreak() did what it says on the tin and it gets handled now by the
doctemplate class before it gets a chance to be a consumer of all space in the
current frame.

To make matters worse the situation persists in the conditional page break
(CondPageBreak) where it is really a conditional FrameBreak.
Robin Becker

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