[reportlab-users] Page numbers of bookmarks

Andy Robinson andy at reportlab.com
Mon Sep 1 02:35:08 EDT 2008

2008/8/31 Roberto Alsina <ralsina at netmanagers.com.ar>:

> I don't know if this is possible, but I am trying to produce a book-like table

> of contents, like this:


> 1. The first section ..........................1

> 2. The second.................................14


> And link each one to the correct place in the document.

> The hard part is, of course, figuring out the "1" and the "14" :-)

If you can give me a day or two, I am busy producing some updated teaching
examples (due for PyCON UK next Friday, 12th, but for general release too)
and will try to make up a good example.

In your architecture, is it easy to make a first pass over the content and
work out what the section names will be, before the document is rendered?

- Andy

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