[reportlab-users] Disable TTF Embedding

Yoann Roman yroman-reportlab at altalang.com
Fri Oct 10 18:52:16 EDT 2008

This is probably the opposite than most people want, but I'm trying
to stop ReportLab from embedding TTF fonts, such as Arial.

When I create a PDF via Acrobat, it lists this under "Fonts":

- Arial-BoldItalicMT
Type: TrueType
Encoding: Ansi
Actual Font: Arial-BoldItalicMT
Actual Font Type: TrueType
- Arial-BoldMT
Type: TrueType
Encoding: Ansi
Actual Font: Arial-BoldMT
Actual Font Type: TrueType

With ReportLab, I get this:

- Arial-BoldItalicMT (Embedded Subset)
Type: TrueType
Encoding: Built-in
- Arial-BoldMT (Embedded Subset)
Type: TrueType
Encoding: Built-in

I'm registering these like so:

from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import registerFont
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
registerFont(TTFont('Arial', 'arial.ttf'))

Any ideas?


Yoann Roman

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