[reportlab-users] error in tables.py (rl 1.21.2)

William Dode wilk at flibuste.net
Thu Jul 10 12:06:58 EDT 2008


I've a random error on a table, i mean that it depends of the datas and
so it's difficult to reproduce...

It raise :

eportlab.platypus.tables:1103 in _getFirstPossibleSplitRowPosition
<< for rh in self._rowHeights:
if h+rh>availHeight:
if not impossible.has_key(n):>> if h+rh>availHeight:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'NoneType'

in fact rh is None and self._rowHeights = [None, None, None]

I could resolve the problem by adding rh = rh or 0 but i don't know

Any idea if i do something wrong or if it's a know bug ?


William Dodé - http://flibuste.net
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