[reportlab-users] ValueError: redefining named object

jo jose.soares at sferacarta.com
Mon Feb 18 11:54:59 EST 2008

Robin Becker ha scritto:

> jo wrote:

>> My propose is to print more than one page in the same document.

>> Infact the error is not raised if my pdf is only one page.

>> Probably there's something that I am doing wrong. :-\


>> I changed a little your sample to having it printing two pages.

>> It prints the first page without errors,

>> but the second time...

>> ValueError: redefining named object:

>> 'toUnicodeCMap:SUBSET+OCRB10PitchBT-Regular+0'


> I'm afraid your email has messed up all indentation so I cannot tell

> where the def page actually ends, but if the page function contains a

> canv.save then that is being done twice, on the other hand if it's

> outside the function then the canv.save will cause an error because

> canv is not defined. However, putting the canv.save in the right place

> make this work just fine. The canv.save() finishes the canvas off and

> writes stuff to disk etc etc. I'm not surprised you get errors writing

> to a defunct canvas. Probably all accesses should be made illegal

> after that, but that's quite difficult and probably not worth the

> effort; besides a small number of experts might want to inspect the

> canvas object even after its 'gone away' or 'turned its toes up' or

> 'taken out Norwegian citizen ship' :)


> ##################

> from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas

> from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics, ttfonts

> pdfmetrics.registerFont(ttfonts.TTFont("Rina", "rina.ttf"))

> def page(line1,line2):

> t=canv.beginText(72,72)

> t.setFont('Rina',10)

> t.setFillColor((1,0,0))

> t.textOut('hello')

> t.setFont('Rina',12)

> t.setFillColor((0,1,0))

> t.textOut(line1)

> t.setFont('Rina',8)

> t.setFillColor((0,0,1))

> t.textOut(line2)

> canv.drawText(t)

> canv.showPage()


> canv = canvas.Canvas('out.pdf')

> page(line1='cruel',line2='world') #page 1

> page(line1='wonderful',line2='world') #page 2

> canv.save()

> ##################


> ............

You are right Robin, I was writing to a defunct canvas. :-[
Now it works, thank you very much,


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