[reportlab-users] pdf417 barcodes

Dinu Gherman gherman at darwin.in-berlin.de
Wed Dec 31 13:05:01 EST 2008

Carl Karsten:

> Andy Robinson:



>> Also, we only have a one-dimensional barcode reader. From

>> ReportLab's

>> end, we'd be happy to implement this (and DataMatrix too) if a

>> customer is willing to pay the time costs, which are probably a

>> couple

>> of man-weeks. Various enterprise customers have enquired in the past

>> but nobody has committed. Let us know if your employers need this

>> badly enough ;-)


> Well, my employer is PyCon - last year we got inquiries if the

> attendee name tags could be scanned. scanner rental is around $300,

> I will be surprised if we get 10 rentals. so even if we mark up the

> rental 100%, that only gives us 3k to work with. Any interest in a

> booth at PyCon?

I've done something like that for EuroPython 2008, or let's
say I offered doing it, but people said for about 200 people
the scanning wouldn't make much sense, which is mostly true.

For PyCon US and the general fear level in the US that might
be different. Here's a sample with the (not so meaningful)
QR codes generated by an online service and added as bitmaps
to the badges PDF file (in the end I made them much simpler):


Robin Becker:

> As the person who did most of the work/extensions after Ty Sarna

> contributed the original work I can tell you we have not implemented

> 417. I did look at the sf project, but the license is GPL and we

> could not use it directly as our license is more liberal. [...]

Many people would point out that GPL is actually more liberal
than BSD or anything else... but making that point here is
probably pointless. ;-)



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