[reportlab-users] 2.3 release and improved code kwalitee

Andy Robinson andy at reportlab.com
Mon Dec 15 13:05:27 EST 2008

2008/12/15 Jason Galyon <jason at brucetek.net>:

> Python.org uses Sphinx and my local user group played around with this

> and found it quite helpful in generating code documentation. I highly

> recommend this tool.


We have limited time on each release, so we made a start by picking
ReST as the docstring format and making sure they all parsed. If/when
we write new manuals we'll be using Sphinx.

We have one problem, though. Our raison d'etre is making PDF ourselves,
not via LaTeX. So we will have to adopt and make any changes we need
to Roberto Alsina's rst2pdf tool before or concurrently with switching
our own main
manuals to Sphinx. (And then we can help python.org eliminate the last
non-Python step on their toolchain!).

So, porting all the docs is too much of a bite for our New Year release.
But hopefully it will come.

Best Regards,

Andy Robinson

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