[reportlab-users] Embedding Platypus Story in Canvas

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Tue Nov 6 18:50:07 EST 2007

Rich Shepard wrote:

> On Tue, 6 Nov 2007, Tim Roberts wrote:


>> You have two choices.

> ...

>> 2. You can derive your own class from SimpleDocTemplate, and override

>> _startBuild to use the canvas you pass in.


> I'm really in a hole. Did this but still no joy. Here's the class:


> class MyTemplate(SimpleDocTemplate):

> _invalidInitArgs = ('pageTemplates',)


> myCanvas = canvas.Canvas('input_variables.pdf', pagesize=LETTER)


> def _startBuild(self, filename='input_variables.pdf',

> canvasmaker=myCanvas):

> self._calc()

> self.canv = canvasmaker(filename or self.filename,

> pagesize=self.pagesize,

> invariant=self.invariant,

> pageCompression=self.pageCompression)

> if self._onPage:

> self.canv.setPageCallBack(self._onPage)

> self.handle_documentBegin()


> And in class ProjectReports() I assign


> pg = MyTemplate.myCanvas


> so all additional references to pg become self.pg. No python errors, but

> still only a one-page report.

Create the canvas outside of the class, and pass it in. So:

class MyTemplate( SimpleDocTemplate ):
def _startBuild( self, filename, canvas ):
self.canv = canvas
self._doSave = 0
if self._onPage:

Then, when you call it, pass in the canvas:

myCanvas = canvas.Canvas( 'input_variables.pdf', pagesize=LETTER )
doc = MyTemplate( None, canvas )

However, if you don't need to override anything, why don't you just let
the template create the canvas and pull it out later?

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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